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Institute of Multicultural Education YISWIND
Established in 2006 and headquartered in Beijing, Yiswind is an educational and cultural organization which aims to cultivate people with multicultural awareness, creativity, humanity and citizenship. The whole structure of Yiswind educational program anchors on four key areas: the construction of root culture and international knowledge; multilingual communication capabilities; cross-cultural communication intelligence; and cultivation of humanity. The institute runs Yiswind academy which is an educational base to testify the ideals of Yiswind, a research center of multicultural education, and a platform for the members of Yiswind to freely communicate and network. Multicultural education is integrated with and inseparable from with equal personality, open society, democratic politics and knowledgeable life. Yiswind believes that the more one is exposed to multicultural education, the more one will treasure his/her root culture and the accomplishment of multicultural education will facilitate mutual understanding of different cultures, which eventually will lead to forgiveness, conflict resolution and finally the peace of the world. Multicultural education will also help break through the border of the mind and heart and inspire creativity of a person, enhance self understanding of one person and formulate his/her cultural identity from broader perspectives, and minimize ethnocentrism of a person through the comparison of different value systems.